Settlement Earned In Old Case After Two Other Firms Rejected It
The Firm was able to secure a full policy limit and multiple six-figure settlements on behalf of the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff was a dentist that was rejected by two other lawyers who had the case for four and a half years without even setting a mediation date for the underinsured motorist claim. Plaintiff secured medical […]
Six-figure Settlements For 16-year-old Victim In Bicycle Accident
The Firm was able to secure multiple six-figure settlements and policy limits on behalf of a 16-year-old girl that was struck by a cyclist operating his bicycle on the Lakeshore bike path. The Plaintiff was jogging along the lakefront and was struck by the cyclist from the opposite direction. The Plaintiff sustained a skull fracture […]
Seven-figure Settlement In Auto Accident Case
The Firm was able to obtain a seven-figure settlement when a 55-year-old heavy equipment operator was rear-ended. He was recovering from back surgery and was not working when he was struck by Defendant. The Defendant driver said that she tapped Plaintiff’s vehicle when she sneezed after being two feet in stopped traffic behind Plaintiff. The […]
Award Obtained In Underinsured Motorist Case
The Firm was able to obtain underinsured policy limits for a 66-year-old woman that was struck while crossing the street after attending a job fair. The Plaintiff was a retired postal worker that was going to get a part-time job. The Firm was immediately able to obtain the policy limits from the driver and then […]
Uninsured Motorist Case Involving A Truck Accident
Susan E. Loggans & Associates was able to obtain policy limits on an uninsured motorist case that occurred in Tennessee. The Plaintiff was operating a truck as an independent contractor when a vehicle cut him off without making contact on an interstate near Memphis. Plaintiff’s truck lost control and left the roadway. Plaintiff had some […]
Sizable Settlement In Slip And Fall Injury Case
The Firm was able to secure a sizable settlement for the family of a 39-year-old decedent who struck his head on a low ceiling in a restaurant in which he was working. The injury was unwitnessed and not reported immediately. Plaintiff’s decedent developed a brain bleed which was identified several days later but untreated. The […]
Dog Bite – Animal Control Act Case
35-year-old woman had part of her pinkie finger amputated when walking her dog. A suit was filed against the homeowner whose dog was inside the fence that attacked the Plaintiff’s dog who was outside the fence. The firm was able to recover the full policy limits from the homeowner despite the homeowner’s dog not leaving […]
Auto Accident Ruling Provides Life-changing Reward For Client
Susan E. Loggans & Associates was able to achieve a policy limit payment in an auto case where the Plaintiff was struck by another vehicle by crossing the street. The police report identified the Plaintiff as being half a block from the intersection and being the at-fault person in the accident. A prior firm filed […]
$3.1 Million Settlement For 75-year-old Man
Loggans reached a $3.1 million settlement with a major Chicago hospital, its physicians, and a subsequent nursing home facility for a senior citizen who had a serious heart condition. Upon discharge from the treating hospital for the heart condition, the discharge instructions called for Plavix, a blood thinner, to be prescribed. Plavix was eliminated from […]
$8,250,000 Settlement For Birth Injuries
In 2022, Loggans settled a cause of action for the negligence of a resident at a local hospital who failed to recognize an emergent situation for the delivery of a baby when the resident ruptured the bag of waters when the baby had a compound presentation for delivery. The doctor failed to call in a […]
2021 Settlement With Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team Compensates Player After Years Of Cover-up Of Sexual Abuse
The Chicago Blackhawks settled with a former player for sexual abuse that happened ten years earlier by the video coach who was fired at the time of the abuse, allowed to leave the team without consequence, and he then continued his abusive behavior on a high school hockey team player while a volunteer coach in […]
$1.26 Million For Child In Medical Malpractice Case
A settlement was obtained in the amount of $1,260,000 for a child with a broken arm where the radiologist failed to diagnose a dislocation of the radial head and a Monteggia fracture-dislocation, and then pediatric orthopod failed to discover that error which resulted in a permanent and irreparable disfigurement of the left elbow. The parent […]